AIP Talk with Shop AIP April 2019
The ShopAIP Blog is a great resource for the latest articles, research, blog posts, podcasts, books, products and more related to the anti-inflammatory paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet.
Some links in this post are affiliate links. That simply means I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you purchase an item mentioned through the link.
Each month I’ll be featuring the latest happenings in our AIP community and sharing here! You’ll be able to get your favorite AIP staples and keep in the loop in one place.
Living La Vida AIP – Wendi from Wendi’s AIP Kitchen recently called on some of her AIP blogging pals (I’m sure you’ll recognize a few!) and put together our video clips. Some are over the top, yes – but all are so very relatable in a “been there done that” way.
#aipselfforgiveness – The first week of April many AIP bloggers got together and shared what self-forgiveness looks like for them. Missteps and mistakes happen for all of us, it’s important we allow room for compassion along the way to encourage healing.
The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol Comfort Food Cookbook – Michelle from Unbound Wellness has a way with putting an AIP twist on familiar favorites. That’s what we can expect with these 100 comfort food recipes! The book releases in September, but you can pre-order it now and lock in the lowest price.
AIP By Season – This AIP community cookbook features 101 recipes designed to not only help you with a variety of delicious recipes that are AIP-friendly, but also as a guide to eating with the seasons. Despite still having snow outside, I’m told spring is coming.
Paleo Magazine Radio Interviews ShopAIP founder, Sandra Dorst about her health journey and what led her to launching ShopAIP. #261
Phoenix Helix Podcast: Fatigue – Fatigue and autoimmunity seem to go together. In this podcast episode, Eileen and her guest, Andrea Nakayama, dive into their connection, shares case studies, and how her functional nutrition matrix helps get to the root cause.
Emotional Autoimmunity Podcast: Andrea Nakayama – Andrea makes another podcast guest appearance in the community! This time she's opening up about her emotional journey living with Hashimoto's as a mother and a widow. Her story is a great example of being vulnerable while still facing life with hope and determination.
PSA: Updates to the Autoimmune Protocol – Did you see the news? This post covers all the small but mighty changes to the AIP. It’s especially good info for those preparing to reintroduce foods on the paleo autoimmune protocol!
What’s the Difference Between Collagen and Gelatin? – Confused about collagen and gelatin? You’re not alone. It’s a question I see often in online groups. Eileen details their differences and similarities as well as why they’re recommended in this post.
Ten Ways to Improve Lymphatic System and Aid Detoxification – In this post, Kate details the signs your lymphatic system might need a little help getting back into its natural flow, and how to get those pathways open again.
Dealing with Overwhelm – Joanna offers great suggestions in this post for navigating those conflicting emotions that often come when changes (i.e. changing your diet, sleep habits) are imposed on you. Spoiler alert: Allow yourself space, grace, and pace!
My Functional Medicine Experience – Jordan shares her thoughts after her first functional medicine appointment. Such a release of emotions when a doctor LISTENS!
Honey: The Sweet Tooth About a Functional Food – Sarah breaks down the science behind honey and why it is deserving of the “functional food” title.
AIP Guacamole – I’ve created a few guacamole monsters in my home because of this copycat recipe! I use a little lemon juice and white wine vinegar and it makes a good amount. Pro tip: Freeze a second batch! Guacamole thaws beautifully.
American Potage – Sometimes while looking through old cookbooks you’ll find recipes that are pretty darn close to AIP. That’s the beauty of going back to the basics. Jaime uses lard in this comforting potage dish!
We now offer cookies from Jack’s Paleo Kitchen. These are delicious – also a great option for nut-free school treats.
The New Primal Beef Thins are savory jerky bites – with simple ingredients! Pack these on your next trip, keep a stash in your car, or when you need an AIP no-cook protein option.
As always, have a look at the current items on sale and stock up on your favorite AIP goods! Right now, you can save 50 cents the 2 oz bags of Garlic Thyme Pork Clouds. And get 12% off Fatworks Chicken Fat.
Erin is the blogger behind Real Food and Love who has used the AIP diet and lifestyle to recover from three autoimmune diseases. She strives for balance and juggles life as a wife, mother of two wildlings and a one-year-old, and working part-time from home. All while avoiding stepping on Legos! One of her favorite Shop AIP products is KC Natural No Tomato Pasta Sauce.
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