AIP Talk with ShopAIP February 2020
The ShopAIP Blog is a great resource for the latest articles, research, blog posts, podcasts, books, products and more related to the anti-inflammatory paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet.
Some links in this post are affiliate links. That simply means I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you purchase an item mentioned through the link.
Each month I’ll be featuring the latest happenings in our AIP community and sharing here! You’ll be able to get your favorite AIP staples and keep in the loop in one place.
AIP Gatherings – I think we can relate to the challenges that come with attending and hosting get togethers while on a healing journey. Cue the sentimental feelings that are often tied with traditions, socializing, gathering, and breaking the proverbial bread! Meagen Ashley’s cookbook is your key to eliminating the stress that often arises when sticking to the protocol. AIP Gatherings includes 40 recipes, a printable AIP pantry list, a shopping list, a guide for how to handle non-AIP gatherings, printable menu ideas for special occasions, and more!
Phoenix Helix Podcast: Episode 141 – In this podcast episode, Eileen chats with Dr. Vickie Bhatia dive deep into the topic of sugar cravings and discuss emotions surrounding food, our brain chemistry, empowered food choices, and breaking the sugar craving cycle.
The Paleo View: Episode 390 – A must-listen! Sarah and Stacy talk about how to handle setbacks, why one might return to the elimination stage, and how tips for stress management when we experience setbacks.
8 AIP Coffee Alternatives – In this video, Michele shares delicious drinks to make. Perfect for when you’re craving a warm cuppa!
Is the AIP Too Hard? – We see and hear it often. “That’s too hard.” In this post, Sarah covers all of the beginner bases (which are building on skills you most likely already have).
9 Tips for Adding Nutrient Density – When starting the AIP, there’s a lot of focus on the foods we eliminate. We also need to take a closer look at what is ADDED to our plates. The more nutrients, the better! This post has great tips on that topic.
AIP Recipe Fails – Can we take a moment to appreciate Stacey for keeping it, like, really real? Not every AIP recipe turns out, especially when you’re creating from scratch.
Is Stress About the Perfect Diet Causing Your Health to Decline? – Food definitely has its place when we’re looking to heal our bodies, but if we’re creating stress around our approach to food, that’s not helping either!
Marinated Beet Salad – This simple side dish is marinated overnight with balsamic vinegar and aromatics.
Hearty Chicken Soup – Loaded with veggies and bone broth, this soup is nourishing and delicious!
10 More Easy Shrimp Recipes – Who else loves shrimp? Jaime has gathered up 10 super simple recipes for you to try!
Banana Bread Muffins – Using a combination of cassava and coconut flours, these muffins look legit!
Primal Life Organics Toothpowder - It’s pretty common that once we’ve gotten used to AIP food, we begin to look at other areas that may benefit from more natural choices. This alkalizing toothpowder may be just the thing you’re looking to replace your toothpaste with.
Reintroductions! - Considering the AIP isn’t forever, we’ve expanded our product line to reflect that and celebrate your successful reintroductions! From time to time, you’ll notice new products clearly labeled (e.g. Stage 1 Reintro AIP with the products’ reintro ingredients listed).
As always, have a look at the current items on sale and stock up on your favorites!
Erin is the blogger behind Real Food and Love who has used the AIP diet and lifestyle to recover from three autoimmune diseases. She strives for balance and juggles life as a wife, mother of two wildlings and a two-year-old, and working part-time from home. All while avoiding stepping on Legos! One of her favorite ShopAIP products is KC Natural No Tomato Pasta Sauce.
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